Today I hoped to accomplish a small handful of things which included, but was not limited to
I think anyone would agree this is a very small handful of things. It is not even a real handful, I think– which also makes it luxurious. I am neither unaware of nor ungrateful for this luxury.
Perhaps it will interest you to know that I accomplished the first three. I also spent a Good While trying the fourth, but have abandoned it.
It was meant to be a posted update on my progress with Social Media, something I wrote about six months ago, and it included a metaphor comparing Twitter to the video game Frogger, which then morphed into a metaphor with Alice in Wonderland (in a very Carrollian way, I think), and ultimately became a post best abandoned.
I have duly abandoned it.
Instead I will say that when it is late and when one is tired, the Internet is not always a good place to be unless, perhaps, one is discovering (via Twitter or anything else, really) this.
The New Activist is a pod-cast, now just seven interviews old, featuring conversations with people who care deeply about righting the injustices in this world. Produced by International Justice Mission, the interviews I have heard so far impress me with their intelligence, thoughtfulness, variety and wisdom. Most importantly, each interview encourages me that we can, in fact, do justice; that the dramatic changes we are seeing in this world signify greater opportunity for grace.
I am a writer, but mostly I do laundry. I am a writer, but today I made soup, walked the dog, and ferreted very many pumpkin seeds out of jack-o-lantern guts.
I am a writer who wasn’t terribly successful with writing today, but I was deeply encouraged by listening to The New Activist, and I think you might be, too.
Give it a listen.
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8