Recent Writings:
A Mouldering Feast: The Dangers of Victimhood as Identity
When we’re victimized, we’re humiliated. When we don’t forgive, we’re unwittingly complicit in our own degradation, extending the power of victimization and permitting it to do its deeper, lasting work.
Online Publications
Why I’m Happy My Son Married at 20
Our son Will got married in July 2017. He was twenty, and his bride was twenty-one. While I would never recommend such a young marriage–or even marriage at all–as the right course for everyone, it was right for my son and his wife. This article explores some reasons why the right young marriage can be good for a person–er, people.
A Good Mother Doesn’t Go to Grad School and Other Myths
Going to graduate school was one of the best things I’ve ever done, but the decision was incredibly difficult, mostly because of the guilt. This essay describes that guilt, why I went anyway, and why I’m so glad I did.
The Gift of Contradictions: Jen Michel’s Surprised by Paradox
One could argue that the Christian faith is full of contradictions. But these paradoxes ask us to bring faith and intellect to our reading of the Bible, which can result in both wonder and worship. Jen Pollock Michel’s book Surprised by Paradox explores this, and I was delighted to write about it.